Monday, December 29, 2014

Biological human beings is less reliable form of information because its very fragile.

 If you compare human body to sustainability of electronical digital information, then the digital information wins because its stored in computers which is made of metal & plastic & sometimes reserved in special places like underground fascilities. Blockchain is the most strict & secure source of cyber-law. Cryptographical law which is created & sustained by everybody. Sustainability of cryptography is proven by math throughout the years. Sustainability of the Bitcoin source code is proven by thousands & hundreds programmers all over the world.

Source code is the law which should be open & it is open. If its open, then you can see how it works. And it works indeed in a magical ways: it createsrules maintaining such huge set of data. ECDSA is the protocol which stands for OPEN & CLOSED KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY - is the best way to authenticate users. Your Keys can be generated independently from governments. Your keys - is your freedom - because no one can't stop you from generating your private keys, because its an open & well documented standard.

21 million is our strict law. And no one can go beyond this limit. This is restriction which makes everybody desire this currency so much. But we trust not only to currency - the basis of trust is built upon technology. So we need such reliable rails for society.

Its the most perfect form of money that has ever existed. It can't be censored. It can't be created out of thin air. It can't be stolen (giant math numbers protect you). The network can't be invaded by governments no matter how much trillions they will spend.

Its not the currency which you will be forced to accept. On the same time you can use the network no matter how much they will try to technically restrict it. Its designed to work in a disasterous mode. Its designed to save those who can be left out of economy due to their identity chips ban - because it provides alternative economy - because mathematically nobody can take away YOUR OWN PRIVATE KEY. And nobody can take away from you your own right to transact, to create as much keys as you want. And you can do it even off the grid - assuming you know how to do it mathematically on paper.

This is true wisdom & independence. Those people won't grasp this technical grail & aren't fully ready to resist elite & function properly in the ruins created by them.

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